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The Ultimate Webinar Checklist for Event Planner 2024

Written by Max Wu | Sep 14, 2024 5:07:46 PM

Webinars are still one of the most effective tools for event planners in 2024. They’re perfect for reaching a global audience, generating leads, and growing your brand—all while keeping costs down. Whether you’re looking to engage your current clients or attract new leads, a well-planned webinar can offer a ton of value.

But here’s the thing: a successful webinar doesn't just happen. You need a solid game plan, from content creation to tech checks and, of course, staying engaged with your audience throughout the event.

In this article, we’ll walk you through a comprehensive webinar checklist to ensure you’re covering all the bases. From pre-prep strategy to follow-up tips, we’ve got it all laid out to make sure your next webinar runs smoothly. Ready to ace your upcoming event? Let’s dive in.

Pre-Webinar Checklist

1. Define Your Goals

Before moving forward with planning a webinar, you need to set clear, measurable objectives. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Generate qualified leads? Educate an industry audience? Identifying your goal upfront will make it easier to structure your content and choose the right promotional strategies.

For example, if your goal is lead generation, focus on creating a strong call to action and consider offering incentives for attendance, like free resources or access to exclusive content. If educating your audience is the mission, make sure the content is rich and actionable.

Pro Tip: Use S.M.A.R.T goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) to track success after the event. 

Having a solid foundation from the start sets the tone for everything else in your webinar plan down the line.

2. Choose the Right Platform

Picking the right platform is one of the most critical decisions in your webinar planning process. Not all webinar platforms are created equal, so start by evaluating a few key factors to find the best fit.

First, look for user-friendliness. Both you and your attendees should be able to navigate the platform with ease—there’s no time for confusing setups or complicated controls when you’re live. Platforms like Zoom and GoToWebinar have intuitive interfaces that make your job easier.

Then, check for essential interactive features. Can your attendees ask questions via chat or participate in polls? These capabilities keep your audience engaged and help you gather real-time feedback.

Lastly, consider integration options. Does the platform sync with your CRM or email marketing tools? This makes follow-ups smoother and helps you assess performance post-webinar.

For a deeper dive into available options, check out this guide to the best event registration platforms.

3. Plan Your Content

Your content is what keeps attendees hooked. Start with pinpointing topics that genuinely matter to your audience—think practical solutions to their pain points, industry trends, or actionable strategies. To do this effectively, get insights through surveys or check out what’s trending in your industry on platforms like Google Trends.

Once you’ve nailed down the topic, focus on how you’ll present it. Use engaging visuals like slides with crisp text, relevant charts, and eye-catching images. Don’t overload your viewers with text—balance clarity with engagement. Keep transitions smooth and the pace digestible. Finally, consider adding a mix of interactive elements (like polls or short Q&As) to maintain interest.

Engaging content isn’t just about talking—it’s about creating a conversation. The better you are at keeping things interactive, the more likely your audience will stay engaged till the very end. Remember, a well-prepared slide deck paired with dynamic speaking makes all the difference in maintaining viewer attention.

4. Prepare Your Tech

Your content could be stellar, but if your tech fails, the whole webinar can quickly turn into a disaster. Make sure your setup is good to go before the big day.

Start with the basics: ensure your microphone and camera work properly—this is non-negotiable. You don't need an expensive setup, but it should be clear and reliable. Do a final check to make sure the audio isn’t muffled and your camera captures you well.

Then, confirm your internet connection. A spotty Wi-Fi signal can interrupt the flow. If possible, connect via ethernet to avoid any last-minute glitching.

Prepare backup options too. Have a second device (like a tablet or phone) handy, and log in five minutes early to spot any issues before your audience does.

Finally, don’t overlook the platform integration that can help you manage everything smoothly. Testing a few days beforehand can save you from unnecessary headaches later. Keep it simple but effective.

5. Promotion Strategies

No matter how awesome your webinar is, it won’t succeed without the right promotion. Your first step? Social media. Use platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to create buzz before your event. Share teaser content, such as sneak peeks of your presentation or quick interviews with guest speakers. Don’t hesitate to use the event features on platforms like Facebook to get RSVPs and reminders going.

Next: Email marketing. Have a segmented list of potential attendees? Send personalized invitation emails with clear calls-to-action (CTAs). Don’t forget to send reminders as the event day approaches—about a week before, then again 24 hours prior.

Also, blog posts can work wonders. Write about the topic of your webinar and link it straight to your registration page. Lastly, consider influencer shoutouts or paid ads for that extra push, especially if your audience is highly specific.

For measurable results and tools that can save you time, check out platforms like Buffer or Hootsuite, which help optimize your social media scheduling, and Mailchimp for email campaigns.

Remember, consistent yet concise promotion is key.

Webinar Day Checklist

1. Set Up Early

You need to log in at least 30 minutes before your webinar starts. This buffer time helps you sort out any technical glitches that could cause delays or confusion. Start by testing your audio and video equipment. Is your microphone clear? Is the lighting good enough for your camera? Double-check these basics to make sure your delivery comes across smoothly.

Next, ensure your internet connection is stable. A strong, wired connection is always better than relying on wireless. Dropped connections can cause interruptions, and no one wants their webinar to crash right in the middle of a critical point.

Finally, confirm that all other tech-related features—like polls or chat functions—are working as expected. It’s better to solve any issues before attendees join. For extra detail on technical setup best practices, check out this Zoom Pre-Webinar Checklist. Set yourself up for success by making sure everything is ready to go before the clock starts ticking.

2. Run Through Content

Dry Run: Go through your presentation one last time.

Before showtime, run through your entire presentation to ensure everything flows well. Think of it as a dress rehearsal. Check the timing of your presentation: Are you rushing through key points? Are transitions between slides smooth and seamless? Run the whole show with your team to identify any hiccups. Even something as simple as a slide lagging could throw you off during the live event.

Rehearsing also helps reduce stage fright. You'll feel more prepared and less likely to stumble over words if you've walked through it beforehand. Plus, you can catch last-minute mistakes — things like misaligned visuals or outdated information.

Finally, make sure the dry run includes any interactive elements like polls, live Q&A, or screen sharing. The more familiar you are with the platform’s features, the more confident you'll be when it's webinar time.

3. Engage with Attendees

Your audience isn't just tuning in to listen—they want to participate. Keep them engaged by using interactive tools like polls, Q&A, and live chat. Polls give immediate feedback and help you gauge audience sentiment in real time. For example, Zoom has built-in polls to let you ask quick questions throughout your webinar. The same applies to Q&A sessions, which make it easy to address burning questions and spark meaningful conversation with participants.

Don’t let your audience hang—keep an eye on their questions and find natural breaks to answer them. Even quick acknowledgments can help keep the momentum going. Tools like Slido and Mentimeter also offer interactive features that you can integrate seamlessly into your session, making for a dynamic and engaging experience for your attendees. The more you interact, the more connected and engaged your audience will feel. Trust us—it’s worth the effort.

4. Follow Up with Attendees

Once your webinar wraps up, don’t forget the follow-up. This is a great opportunity to keep the conversation going and nurture leads. Start by sending a simple "thank you" email to everyone who attended. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated—just a quick note to express your appreciation. Include a summary of the main points discussed, so your attendees can refresh their memory or catch up if they missed something. It’s also a good idea to link to the recorded webinar so those who couldn’t attend live can still watch it at their convenience.

Providing helpful resources in your email is a good way to add value. Consider including links to related blog posts, ebooks, or tools that expand on the webinar’s topic. This simple gesture further establishes your authority and keeps your audience engaged after the event.

5. Analyze Performance

After your webinar wraps up, it’s time to crunch the numbers. A successful webinar doesn’t just focus on how it went live; it hinges on understanding how well it resonated with your audience. First, look at attendee numbers. How many people signed up versus how many actually showed up? This is a crucial metric to gauge the effectiveness of your promotion strategies.

Next, dive deeper into engagement levels. Did attendees stay engaged throughout the webinar? Look at statistics like how long they stayed logged in, their participation in polls, and the number of questions asked during a Q&A session. 

Lastly, compare your actual outcomes with the goals you set beforehand. Whether you aimed to generate leads or build brand awareness, ensure you’ve got measurable data to support your efforts, from new email subscribers to on-demand views post-webinar. By evaluating performance, you can continuously refine your strategy and deliver even stronger webinars in the future.

6. Gather Feedback

Getting feedback after your webinar is crucial for improving future events. The easiest way? Post-webinar surveys. These don't have to be lengthy—keep it short and focused. Ask questions like, "What did you enjoy most about the presentation?" and "Is there anything you felt was missing?" Tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey can help create quick, user-friendly surveys for attendees.

Don’t stop at surveys, though. Keep an eye on social media, where spontaneous feedback can give you additional insights. Twitter and LinkedIn are great places to check for mentions and comments. If your audience isn't shy, look for tags or event hashtags to see what people are saying.

By gathering this data, you'll have a much clearer idea of what worked and where improvements can be made for your next event. Attendee feedback also offers great insights into what your audience values, allowing you to tailor future content accordingly.

7. Repurpose Content

Don’t let your webinar content end after the live event. Repurposing your webinar can extend its lifespan and reach more people.

A simple way to start is by turning the webinar recording into a blog post. You can break down key topics discussed and elaborate further on them, giving non-attendees a chance to grasp the main points. You could also create social media posts using quotes, statistics, or quick video snippets. These bite-sized teasers are great for platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram to engage different audiences.

If you hosted a Q&A session, consider creating a FAQ document or a LinkedIn article on the frequently asked questions. Finally, you can include snippets of your webinar in your email drip campaigns, attracting potential leads who missed the session.

Repurposing is all about leveraging your existing content to reduce future workload and expand your reach. According to HubSpot, 82% of marketers are actively repurposing content to increase webinar ROI.


Webinars can be a powerful tool in 2024, but only if you handle them with precision. From defining your goals to repurposing content post-event, each step is crucial to creating a seamless experience. Make sure you pick the right platform, plan engaging content, run a smooth webinar day, and follow up with your attendees. These steps can turn a regular online event into a memorable experience that boosts your brand and brings value to your audience.

Now that you've got the basics, it's time to put them into action. Ready to host your next flawless webinar? Download our Webinar Checklist PDF and keep it handy—you'll be thankful you did!

Plan, promote, and perform. With the right preparation, you’ll make 2024 your best webinar year yet.