Step to step guide: How to Create a G2 Review for EventX

EventX May 2, 2022
EventX Reviews

While word of mouth has become a key to marketing, especially for B2B products, G2 review is the most trustworthy website for genuine users to share authentic reviews for technologies, tools, and platforms. These reviews are widely helpful to users worldwide and empower them to make the best decisions for their businesses.

The value of product reviews goes far beyond their ability to influence purchases, while peer recommendations are an essential source of information for business decision-makers. Especially with technology buys that usually come as a subscription of service, a wide range of customer voices would help companies better understand and meet their expectations. 

Constant optimization is a default setting for most companies, with ongoing and painstaking reviews of how they do things to drive improvements that can make their products and services as refined as they can be. Making these refinements based on accurate insights is the key to building the best product or software. A significant contributing aspect comes from the user, their experience and feedback. 


Taking both the positive and the negative

Our platform plays a vital role in empowering digital teams with intelligent insights and helping enterprises become agile, and having a seamless user experience is crucial to our success. Tapping into insights from reviews enables us to fuel developments that blister every stage of the marketing funnel and user experience, whether positive or negative feedback.

We believe listening to positive customer voices is critical to identifying and expanding on what is working well and instrumental to fine-tuning the metrics that make a difference to our users in tackling the challenges of data complexity. With a precise picture of the tools and products that deliver the most significant value for customers, EventX can steer business evolution in the right direction for enduring user satisfaction and growth, covering everything from product development to marketing activity.


Reviews are advantageous for all

Although frequently classed as a consumer-centric phenomenon, the pre-purchase "review check" is becoming increasingly common for all buyers, businesses included. As the tech landscape keeps growing, company leaders are becoming more dependent on the views and expertise of their peers to help them sort through multiple tools and help inform decision-making -over eight in ten (85%) read up to 10 reviews before making their final tech choice

For us, the end result is an all-around win for buyers and suppliers. Customers have a wider pool of resources to draw on and a better chance of finding the product that fits their individual needs. Meanwhile, tech providers gain an in-depth window into how they are perceived and how they can adapt to deliver what their customers want.


Reaching the top

As most firms know, G2 is the business product review and ranking platform where verified users share their experiences and feedback on software programs, events, webinars, and technologies. The rankings are based on a mix of user satisfaction, product popularity and how likely users are to recommend the services to others. A jump in the leaderboard shows the progression in its mission to maximize customer success and growth. Previous research has found that 97% of IT buyers rely on peer recommendations, ratings, and reviews when buying business software. The best and most common way to reach the top is by analyzing the data provided by the customers who review the events or webinars. Reviews are crucial for us to take new steps into improving our businesses and software programs, thereby upgrading our events and webinars.


Creating a review for EventX

A few steps to easily create a review on G2:

  1. Log in to G2 using LinkedIn or business email.
  2. Verify your account through email verification (only verified people are allowed to write a review which makes it more credible).
  3. Write your review - there are multiple sections. Please fill in all the required fields. If you wish to reduce the number of questions, please select the preferable categories: "virtual events platform" or "webinar".
  4. Confirm you're a user (I'm verified and ready to upload).
  5. Submit your review (All set!)



If you have some more questions in mind, here are what our customers usually encounter and raise. 

Why do I need to sign up with G2 to leave a review?

G2 needs to verify your identity to secure reviews' credibility to confirm that you are not an employee or competitor of the software you're reviewing. You can link up to your LinkedIn profile and business email to verify your information, while the former is the easiest. However, this doesn't mean you have to post with this identity. The information/identity is not necessarily tied to your review, and you can choose to post your review anonymously.

Can I do anonymous reviews on G2?

The choice is yours! You can choose to have your name appear publicly, or you could also opt to submit a review anonymously. Near the bottom of the review form is an option that says, "I would like this review to appear as Unattributed". Check this box to leave your review anonymously and your identity confidential.

Do I need to fill in all the questions?

Yes. For any review to be considered complete, you need to fill in all of the required questions in the "satisfaction survey". 

Is it possible to reduce the number of questions I need to answer?

Yes. You can reduce the number of questions by selecting only one or two categories, preferably "virtual events platform" or "webinar", rather than checking "all of the above".

That said, answering the optional questions helps provide more grounds for users to weigh with satisfaction related to our product and customer experience here at EventX. A few clicks to help others understand and evaluate our platform better in the market.



Creating a G2 review is just as easy as hosting a virtual event with us. We read and analyze every review to continue to steer in the right direction. We strive to refine our technology and products to support your successful events anytime, anywhere, for any audience. 

Together, we strive to become the best. For we know every review motivates betterment with the right action and analysis. 

See what our clients have to say, and we can't wait to read yours! Rate us HERE

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