Run of Show Template: Complete Guide to Organize Event in 2024

Max Wu Jul 22, 2024

Planning an event can be a whirlwind, but a well-structured run of show can be your guiding light. Ready to get organized? Let’s dive into everything you need to know about creating an effective run of show for your 2024 event.

What is a Run of Show?

A "run of show" is your event’s timetable, detailing every segment from start to finish. Think of it as the heartbeat of your event, where every small pulse keeps everything moving smoothly. It's a playbook that outlines every part of your event, from pre-event prep to post-event wrap-up. It includes timelines, key activities, roles, and responsibilities. It's crucial because it transforms chaos into order, providing a clear path from one milestone to the next.

Why You Need a Run of Show

Why bother with a run of show? Simple: it’s the difference between a seamless event and a mismanaged nightmare. A run of show keeps everyone on the same page, reducing the risk of mishaps, miscommunication, and last-minute scrambles. It streamlines coordination, ensuring that everyone from the AV team to the caterers knows what to do and when. With a run of show, you can ensure your event is not only organized but also impactful, leaving your attendees impressed and your stress levels low.

Got your coffee? Your phone and laptop ready? Great. Let’s get started on creating your ultimate run of show.


Pre-Event Preparation

Outline Your Event Goals

Before you touch any spreadsheets or templates, take a moment to define your event goals. Are you aiming to educate, entertain, or generate sales leads? Clearly outlined objectives will act as your north star, guiding every decision you make. Start by jotting down specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, "Increase event attendance by 20%" or "Generate 50 new leads by the end of the day." These targets will keep your planning focused and purposeful.

Drafting Your Initial Run of Show

Now that you know where you're headed, it's time to map out the journey. Begin with a rough draft of your run of show. Don’t aim for perfection—instead, focus on outlining the key sections: pre-event, event day, and post-event.

For the pre-event section, list activities such as marketing campaigns, vendor confirmations, and site inspections. For the event day, be meticulous. Break down the schedule minute-by-minute if necessary: guest arrivals, keynote speeches, breakout sessions, and meal breaks. Finally, the post-event section should include teardown processes, feedback collection, and final reporting. This rough draft will be your backbone, ready to be fleshed out as you proceed with detailed planning.


Components of a Rock-Solid Run of Show

Timeline and Schedule

First things first, nail down your timeline. This means a minute-by-minute schedule that ensures every piece of your event puzzle fits perfectly. It might sound tedious, but a detailed timeline is your best friend. From setup to teardown, everything should be in there. Whether it’s ushering in guests, keynote speeches, or coffee breaks, the more precise you are, the smoother things will flow on the event day.

Roles and Responsibilities

Next up: roles and responsibilities. Every member of your team needs to know exactly what they’re doing and when. This isn’t about micromanaging; it’s about clarity. When everyone knows their role and the exact timing of their tasks, there’s less room for confusion, making the whole event experience seamless. Just think of it as your event’s playbook—each person has a part, and when the team works in harmony, the event shines.

Logistics and Setup

Let’s dive into logistics—the backbone of any event. From AV equipment to seating arrangements, factor in everything you’ll need. Planning your stage setup to ensure visibility for all your guests is crucial. But don't stop there; always have contingency plans. Tech fails, surprise weather changes, or unexpected hiccups—anticipate them with backup plans to keep things running smoothly no matter what comes your way.

By focusing on these elements, you're well on your way to constructing a rock-solid run of show that ensures every aspect of your event is accounted for and executed flawlessly.

Example Run of Show Templates

Planning an event without a template is like setting sail without a map. Let's walk through some practical examples tailored for different occasions.

Basic Run of Show Example

For those starting out, keep it simple. Your basic run of show should include key event milestones and participant roles. For instance:

  1. 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Setup and sound check.
  2. 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Guest arrival and registration.
  3. 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Opening remarks by host.
  4. 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Keynote speaker session.

This straightforward layout keeps everyone on the same page and ensures that the event runs smoothly from start to finish.

Wedding Run of Show Template

Weddings need a touch of magic and a lot of planning. Here's a specialized example:

  1. 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Venue setup, including flowers and seating.
  2. 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Guests arrive and are seated.
  3. 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Wedding ceremony.
  4. 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Cocktail hour and photographs.
  5. 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Reception and dinner.

By staying organized, you can focus on the love and joy of the day without stressing over logistics.

Corporate Event Run of Show

Corporate events need a professional touch. Here's a tailored layout:

  1. 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Registration and networking.
  2. 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Opening keynote.
  3. 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM: Coffee break.
  4. 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM: Panel discussions.
  5. 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch break.
  6. 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Workshops and breakout sessions.
  7. 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Closing remarks and networking.

This clear, detailed schedule ensures a seamless experience for both your team and attendees.


Tools to Create Your Run of Show

Event Planning Software

In today’s digital age, leveraging event planning software can be a game-changer. Platforms like Shoflo and Socio streamline the process, offering features specific to creating and managing a run of show. These tools provide real-time updates, easy collaboration, and detailed scheduling options. Not sure where to start? Check out our guide on the Best Event Registration Platforms to see which tools might suit your needs best.

Spreadsheets and Templates

Sometimes, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Google Sheets and Excel provide straightforward and highly customizable options for drafting your run of show. Pre-made templates are available online; these are great for beginners and can be easily tailored to fit your specific event requirements. Plus, their collaborative nature ensures your team can access and update the document in real time.

Professional Services

If your event is substantial or requires a level of finesse, hiring professional planning services can take the load off your shoulders. Expert planners bring invaluable experience and can provide a meticulous, detail-oriented run of show tailored to your event’s unique demands. Knowing when to delegate can be crucial for a successful event—don’t hesitate to get the support you need.

Integrating these tools into your planning process ensures a seamless, efficient, and stress-free event day.


Tips from the Pros

Consistency is Key

Consistency is one of the cornerstones of a successful run of show. Make sure your formatting is uniform throughout the document to avoid any confusion among team members. The same font, style, and layout should be used for all sections. This not only makes the document professional but also improves readability. Regular updates should also follow this consistent format. Consistency equates to clarity, which is indispensable.

Keep it Accessible

Your run of show should be accessible to everyone involved in the event. Utilize cloud-based platforms like Google Drive or project management tools that allow real-time collaboration. Ensure that all team members have the necessary permissions and understand how to navigate the document. An accessible run of show prevents bottlenecking and promotes smooth communication, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Real-Time Updates

During the event, situations can change at the drop of a hat. The ability to update your run of show in real-time is crucial. Designate a team member to manage these updates and use tools that support instant modifications. Real-time updates mean you can adapt to unexpected changes instantly, keeping your event on track. Real-time agility fosters an environment of preparedness and split-second responsiveness.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Overlooking Details

In the craziness of event planning, missing out on minor details can lead to major headaches. Each logistical element, from the correct placement of your AV equipment to ensuring there are enough refreshments, counts. Make sure you create a comprehensive checklist and stick to it. Regularly review and update your run of show to include every minute detail. Being thorough now will save you from scrambling on the event day.

Poor Communication

A well-drafted run of show falls flat without effective communication. Ensure that every team member knows their roles and responsibilities. Schedule regular team meetings leading up to the event to discuss updates and possible changes. Utilize communication tools like Slack or WhatsApp for real-time updates, and make it mandatory for every team member to keep their phone notifications on during the event.

Neglecting Feedback

What worked? What didn’t? If you’re not incorporating feedback from previous events, you’re missing out on a goldmine of insights. Conduct a post-event review session with your team to discuss what went right and what could be improved. Send out surveys to attendees to gather their thoughts as well. Use this feedback to refine your run of show for future events, ensuring continual improvement and smoother execution each time.

Top Resources for Run of Show Planning

Books and Blogs

Diving into the wealth of knowledge out there can be a game-changer. Start with "The Art of Event Planning" by Goldblatt and "Event Planning Handbook" by Shannon Kilkenny. These books lay a solid foundation and are rich with practical tips.

Blogs are your quick-hit resources for ongoing insights. Check out "Event Manager Blog" for regular updates and cutting-edge strategies. The "Eventbrite Blog" is also packed with case studies and actionable advice.

Event Planning Platforms

Make the most of digital tools to streamline your run of show preparations. EventX is a top choice, offering a seamless platform for event registration, ticketing, and lead management. Another power player is Bizzabo, known for its robust analytics and user-friendly interface. Both platforms simplify event logistics, allowing you to focus on delivering a memorable experience.

By tapping into these resources, you can fortify your planning process, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. Whether you're leafing through a textbook or navigating a blog, the right information can transform your event from good to spectacular. Happy planning!


Recap Key Points

Alright, let's wrap this up! A well-organized run of show is your event’s backbone. From setting clear goals to assigning specific roles, ensuring every detail is captured in the timeline, and having robust contingency plans are all vital for a smooth event flow. This structured approach eliminates confusion and minimizes last-minute chaos, granting you and your team peace of mind.

Encouragement to Get Started

Feeling ready to conquer event planning? Don't wait—start drafting your run of show today. With the right tools and a solid template, you’ll be well on your way to orchestrating an event that's not only memorable but runs like a well-oiled machine. Dive in, keep your document updated, and remember, the more detailed your run of show, the smoother your event will be. Happy planning!

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