How to Create Sponsorship Levels with Examples

Max Wu Jul 15, 2024

Creating effective sponsorship levels is key to obtaining financial support for your event, whether it's a fundraiser, conference, or non-profit gathering. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of developing sponsorship levels that attract a wide range of sponsors. We'll also provide examples and templates to make the task simpler.


Creating effective sponsorship levels for your event can make the difference between a successful, well-funded occasion and one that struggles to meet its goals. But what exactly are "event sponsorship levels"? Simply put, they are structured tiers that offer varying levels of benefits and visibility to sponsors in exchange for their financial or material support. These levels help potential sponsors easily understand what they will receive in return for their investment.

Why bother with this structure? Well, organizing sponsor levels is crucial because it provides a clear, scalable way to attract sponsors with different budgets and goals. It helps you tailor your pitch to be more appealing, ensuring that you can engage sponsors at various levels who might otherwise pass up the opportunity if only offered a one-size-fits-all package. Plus, a structured approach makes it easier for sponsors to envision the value they’ll get, whether it's brand exposure, attendee engagement, or exclusive perks.

In this section, we dive into the basics of sponsorship levels, laying the groundwork you need to start structuring your packages effectively. Ready to unlock the full potential of your event? Let’s get started.


The Basics of Sponsorship Levels

Clear Structure

Creating a clear and structured sponsorship level is paramount. A well-defined sponsor level ensures that potential sponsors understand precisely what they are investing in and the benefits they will receive. A good sponsorship level should be simple to understand, clearly communicated, and directly aligned with the needs and goals of both the event and the sponsor. Think of it as a straightforward value proposition that leaves no room for ambiguity.

Types of Sponsorships

In general, event sponsorships are divided into several tiers to accommodate different budget levels and company sizes. Here’s a breakdown of the common sponsorship categories:

  • Bronze Level: This is typically the entry-level option, offering basic visibility and brand exposure at the event. Suitable for small businesses or first-time sponsors, it usually includes benefits like logo inclusion in marketing materials and a mention on social media.
  • Silver Level: The mid-tier option provides more extensive promotion opportunities, such as website features, a booth at the event, and inclusion in event press releases. This is ideal for companies looking to increase their engagement without a huge financial commitment.
  • Gold Level: As we move up, the Gold sponsorship level offers high visibility and premium positioning. Expect benefits like prime booth locations, prominent logo placement, speaking opportunities, and VIP passes. Aimed at businesses willing to invest more for broader exposure.
  • Platinum Level: The top-tier sponsorship that offers exclusive benefits. These can include hosting VIP events, personalized engagement opportunities with attendees, and top billing on all promotional materials. This level is designed for major players who want to make a significant impact and gain the highest level of exposure.

By clearly defining these tiers, you make it easier for potential sponsors to see the value and choose the level that aligns with their goals and budget.


Steps to Create Effective Sponsorship Levels

  1. Identify your needs: First things first, you need to have a clear understanding of what your event actually requires. Are you in need of financial support, or do you need materials like audio-visual equipment, catering services, or even venue space? Knowing exactly what you need will guide your conversations with potential sponsors and ensure your sponsorship levels align with those necessities.
  2. Understand your audience: Not all sponsors are looking for the same thing. Some may want brand exposure, while others are looking for speaking opportunities or exclusive access to attendees. Conducting market research helps you understand what different types of sponsors are seeking which, in turn, helps you tailor your sponsorship tiers to meet those desires.
  3. Create a tiered structure: Now, structure your sponsorship packages into tiers like Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. This gives potential sponsors options to choose from based on their budget and business goals. Keep the options distinct and ensure each tier offers incremental benefits.
  4. Draft benefits: With your tiers in place, clearly outline what each sponsorship level includes, whether it’s logo placement, social media mentions, or free event tickets. Be explicit about the benefits and be creative. Not all benefits have to be tangible; consider offering perks like exclusive networking opportunities or behind-the-scenes access.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating sponsorship levels that not only meet your event's needs but also provide genuine value to your sponsors.


Creative Sponsorship Levels

  • Innovative Ideas: Think outside the box when designing sponsorship levels. Traditional tiers like Bronze, Silver, and Gold are reliable, yet introducing unique and personalized options can make your event stand out. Consider incorporating experience-based sponsorships, such as "Networking Lounge Sponsor" where sponsors host a dedicated area for attendees to connect, or "Wellness Partner" offering health-focused activities like yoga sessions or massage stations.
  • Case Study: At the Tech Innovators Conference, organizers introduced a "Digital Exploration Sponsor" level. This innovative sponsorship provided companies the opportunity to create immersive virtual reality experiences for attendees. What was the result? Not only did this new sponsorship level attract leading VR companies, but it also significantly enhanced attendee engagement. The digital exploration zone became one of the event's highlights, driving both sponsor visibility and attendee satisfaction through the roof.

Pushing the boundaries with creative sponsorship ideas can not only diversify your revenue streams but also enrich the attendee experience, making your event more memorable and attractive to potential sponsors.

Examples of Sponsorship Levels

Basic Tiers Example: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum

When setting up your sponsorship levels, a tiered approach ensures you cater to different budget capacities. Here's a quick breakdown:

  • Bronze Level ($500-$1,000): Bronze sponsors can expect logo inclusion in event materials, social media shout-outs, and a designated table or booth. This entry-level tier provides basic yet valuable exposure.
  • Silver Level ($1,000-$5,000): Silver sponsors receive all Bronze benefits plus additional perks like being featured in email newsletters, and having their logos displayed on event websites and banners.
  • Gold Level ($5,000-$10,000): Gold sponsors enjoy enhanced exposure, including a speaking slot, prominent logo placement during the event, and VIP networking opportunities with attendees.
  • Platinum Level ($10,000+): Platinum sponsors are treated as event partners, with branding on all promotional materials, the highest-tier speaking opportunities, and prominent positioning in all event marketing channels.

Non-Profit Sponsorship Levels

For non-profit events, tailor your sponsor levels to emphasize the cause:

  • Supporting Partner ($500): Includes logo on the event website, recognition in newsletters, and social media mentions.
  • Contributing Partner ($1,000): Adds mentions in press releases and additional website visibility.
  • Sustaining Partner ($5,000): Encompasses major event branding, including mentions in press conferences and a spotlight feature during the event.

Fundraiser Sponsorship Levels

When it comes to fundraisers, highlighting unique benefits and recognition opportunities can make all the difference:

  • Community Sponsor ($250-$1,000): Name and logo on fundraising materials, thank-you plaque, and social media mentions.
  • Major Sponsor ($1,000-$5,000): Recognition during opening and closing ceremonies, feature story in the event program, and logo on promotional materials.
  • Premiere Sponsor ($5,000+): Exclusive naming rights (e.g., "Premiere Sponsor presented by [company name]"), opportunity for a presentation, and extensive branding throughout the event.

By understanding different event types and the desired benefits, you can create attractive, effective sponsorship packages that align with your overall goals.

Crafting Sponsorship Levels for Different Events

When it comes to crafting sponsorship levels, the type of event plays a pivotal role. Each type of event draws unique sponsors with specific goals. Here's how you can tailor your sponsorship levels to cater to diverse events:

Corporate Events

For corporate events, focus on visibility and networking opportunities. Sponsors in this arena are usually interested in brand exposure and direct engagement with attendees.

Example Levels:

  • Bronze: Basic branding on event materials.
  • Silver: Includes an exhibitor booth and social media mentions.
  • Gold: Incorporates a speaking slot and logo on stage backdrops.
  • Platinum: Offers VIP networking sessions and exclusive pre-event marketing.


Fundraisers require sponsors who align with the cause. Highlight the impact their contributions will make and offer recognition that ties back to their generosity.

Example Levels:

  • Supporter: Name on event program and website.
  • Contributor: Includes event tickets and social media shout-outs.
  • Benefactor: Recognition in event speeches and prominent logo placement.
  • Patron: Special awards presentation and premier event signage.

Non-Profit Events

Non-profit events attract mission-driven sponsors. Emphasize community impact and provide authentic storytelling opportunities as part of the sponsorship benefits.

Example Levels:

  • Friend: Acknowledgment in newsletters and event materials.
  • Partner: Feature in press releases and backstage passes.
  • Champion: Opportunity to participate in a panel discussion.
  • Hero: Named sponsorship of an event segment and personal thank-you from beneficiaries.

By crafting tailored sponsorship levels for corporate events, fundraisers, and non-profits, you ensure relevancy and appeal, making it easier to attract and retain sponsors.


How to Present Sponsorship Levels

Effective presentation of sponsorship levels can make or break your success in attracting sponsors. Here’s how to get it right:


Starting with a well-thought-out template can save you loads of time. Opt for a template that includes sections for the sponsorship tier name, benefits, pricing, and special conditions. Make sure it’s customizable so you can tweak it based on specific feedback or unique requirements. Templates can streamline the presentation process, ensuring you convey all necessary information without any oversight.

Visual Appeal

First impressions matter. Use high-quality graphics, consistent fonts, and an organized layout to make your sponsorship packages visually appealing. Consider employing infographics to succinctly outline benefits, or use contrasting colors to differentiate between tiers. Visuals not only catch attention but also help in retaining it, making it easier for sponsors to digest information quickly. Remember, a clean and professional design reflects well on your event’s credibility.

Digital Packages

In today’s digital age, having online versions of your sponsorship levels is essential. Utilize tools like interactive PDFs or dedicated web pages where sponsors can easily navigate through options. Platforms like EventX offer features to create and distribute digital sponsorship packages seamlessly. Providing downloadable content ensures accessibility, enabling sponsors to review the details at their convenience. Plus, digital packages can be updated in real-time, allowing you to instantly incorporate any changes based on sponsor feedback.

By focusing on these aspects, you can present your sponsorship levels in a way that is structured, appealing, and accessible, greatly increasing your chances of securing the support you need.

Tools and Platforms to Help You

So, you're ready to craft those sponsorship levels, but now comes the logistics part. Don't sweat it; the right tools can make this process smoother than a Spartan's shield. Here are some top-notch platforms to help you out:

Event Registration Platforms

Using event registration softwares like EventX can streamline the registration process. These platforms can handle the basic grunt work, allowing participants to sign up easily while you keep track of who’s attending. Their robust features can also integrate sponsorship options directly into the registration forms, making it simple for sponsors to select their desired level.

Check-In Apps

Streamline the check-in process with the best event check-in apps from EventX. These apps can speed up the entrance lines, leaving a positive first impression on sponsors and attendees alike. The quicker the check-in, the happier everyone is, and happy sponsors are more likely to return next year.

Ticketing Platforms

Last but not least, explore event ticketing platforms with great features. These platforms can handle everything from ticket sales to attendee management. Plus, you can create customized tickets that highlight your sponsorship levels, offering sponsors the visibility they crave. Efficient and automated, these tools lessen your workload so you can focus on making your event unforgettable.

Incorporate these tools, and you're well on your way to managing an event that runs as smooth as possible.

Finalizing Your Sponsorship Levels

Review and Adjust

Once you’ve drafted the initial sponsorship levels, it's time to refine them. Sit down with your team and meticulously go through each tier. Ask yourselves:

  • Are the benefits compelling for the sponsors?
  • Do the levels align with the event's financial goals?
  • Is the language clear and enticing?

Make adjustments based on this internal review. Remember, clarity and value are paramount.


Before finalizing, seek feedback from trusted partners or a select group of potential sponsors. Their insights can be invaluable. Ask them specific questions, such as:

  • Which benefits attracted you the most?
  • Are there any benefits you consider unnecessary?
  • How do these levels compare to other sponsorship packages you’ve encountered?

Use this feedback to make critical adjustments. This will help ensure your packages are market-friendly and competitive.

Continuous Improvement

The journey doesn’t end here. Post-event, gather feedback from sponsors about their experience. Ask what worked and what didn’t. Use this feedback to continuously improve your sponsorship levels for future events. Adapting and evolving based on real-world insights will keep your sponsorship packages relevant and attractive.

By taking these steps, you'll ensure that your sponsorship levels not only meet the needs of your event but also provide significant value to your sponsors, fostering long-term partnerships.


Creating effective sponsorship levels is essential to securing financial and material support for your events. We started by defining sponsorship levels and explaining their importance. We then dived into the basics, discussing clear structure and various types of sponsorships like Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum tiers. Steps to create effective sponsorship levels included identifying your needs, understanding your audience, creating a tiered structure, and drafting benefits.

Innovative ideas and a case study showed you the potential of creative sponsorship models. Detailed examples of sponsorship levels for non-profits, fundraisers, and corporate events offered concrete guidance. Tips on presenting sponsorship levels, using templates, and ensuring visual appeal aimed to help you pitch successfully to sponsors. Finally, we highlighted tools and platforms to streamline your process and discussed the significance of reviewing, adjusting, and continuously improving your sponsorship packages based on feedback.

You've now got the blueprint for crafting compelling sponsorship levels that stand out. Use this guide to start building your own tiers, and remember, the key to success lies in continuously adapting and refining your strategies based on feedback and outcomes. Go ahead and make your next event a hit with well-structured sponsorship levels!

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